My life

Page one, I'm here to start
I start walking towards my future
I dream about you but you're not coming around until I'm on page 99.
I skip almost a hundred pages just so I can be with you.
I know I have to pay the price for skipping a part of my life.
But time fies away when I'm with you,
you make my eyes sparkle when you are singing to me.
I look into your eyes, not knowing it would be the last time.
I lost the sparkles in my eyes when you left me at page 148.

I hate to cry but I can't stop.
I cry over your death and I know you will always remain in my heart.
From this day on, now and forever more.
It happened at page 201 and it is destroyed by my tears.
At least I'm not alone in sorrow cause' the heaven cries with me.
and the birds are singing;

"Don't you cry, my little friend, I will always be here for you"
My life turned into a tragedy and when the birds sang to me I whispered;
"Please set me free before you press delete"

I just want to know the end of the book and when I turn over til page 318 the last sentence says;
Once upon a time..

(Ursäkta för alla stavfel och fel i gammatik och meningsuppbyggnad, jag är trött!)


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