Just for you..

I just feel like telling you all on english what happend today.

I was at Thai Silk with the girls in my class, really funny and Amanda got a little freaked out when Emma told her it was "Sjötunga" that she just swallowed. Really funny reaction!
After a lots of coke and laughter we finally got away from there and I realized that my two mascaras costs 270 kr per piece! OH I LOVE MY GRANDMOTHER ^^

When we was hitting back for the last lesson some ~12 year-olds passed us and like said "Hey!" in a very flirty way to Lina I think, but when they passed us all my friends said it was me he said hey to.. And yeah, we laughed! And I still couldn't think that it was me he said hey to. x) And Anja, a danish girl said it was good I make 12 year-olds turn on, haha! I think she's a nice dot in the crowd. I talk a lot to Mathias too, he's just so funny and cute, awh! He's just undescribable.. Can't wait to see him! And the rest af his class too ^^, the most of them is just so sweet, I think I'm gonna move there ^^

I think I'll end this post with a poem I wrote yesterday.

"Failure, what's failure?

Fail, how do you fail?

Do you fail if you're not good enough?

Or do you fail if you're having a bad day?

Tell me, how do you fail?

Victory, what's victory?
Win, how do you win?
Do you win if you're good enough?
Or do you win if you're having a good day?
Tell me, do you win when you fall?
Do you win when you fall in love?"



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