Första dagen i december

Imorgon har jag namnsdag! Jag och 9100 stycken andra! :)

Beatrice är ett kvinnonamn med latinskt ursprung med betydelsen 'ljusbringare' eller 'den lyckosamma'. Namnet härstammar från latinets Beatrix, som genom franskan har blivit Beatrice.

Comparisons are never easy
Today is the beginning of the end
There is a world meant for us
I trust we will find each other
Yet if I know you're here
Near me each single day

I believe we will find each other
Someday our love will find a way
Our devotion will be present.
Like it was then it will grow powerful
Stronger and stronger

Yet I find it difficult to be me, here
On my own, all by myself
Missing you
Missing us

I’m not capable to cry anymore because of missing
I can only play a part of human race
Just like it was a play on a life-size stage
Going under losing you
Loving you
Missing you

I try to forget
Except I don't regret
I want to remember


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